Friday, January 17, 2014

......never go away.....!!!

world seems so lovely
whenever you smile
and seems so ugly
whenever you cry
all the days of mine
passed with your thoughts
all the nights pass
always with your dreams
each moment of life
all are only yours
having lot of hopes
about you my life
each beat of heart
always wet in love
each of my breaths
devoted only to you
distance between us
still exists in life
always yells my heart
whenever you've silent
remove the pain of life
hold my hand forever
let's meet each other 
say hello to life
always live together
never go away.....!!!
 ( lovely .....ish......!!! ......I have seen your words today and felt so happy by heart. I am so happy to see that you are going to run the Mumbai Marathon. I hope you and your family will complete it successfully without any hurt. I wish you all the best for the Marathon. .....I miss you a lot.....please meet me soon......kissing your forehead......please take care......Ish.....I love you......!!!)

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